Rina Patel


Specialising in family law since 2005, Rina has a wealth of experience and can help with divorce, related financial matters, separation agreements, matters of domestic abuse, formalising arrangements when unmarried parties wish to live together, as well as disputes arising from the breakdown of such relationships.

Rina can assist with nuptial agreements, as well as children related matters, including arrangements following the breakdown of relationships, relocation of children, children disputes involving abuse and children agreements/disputes with an international element.

Relationship breakdown is one of the most difficult events a person can experience in life.  Rina is a member of Resolution, and where possible, encourages amicable outcomes.  Joining her clients through their respective journeys, Rina advises and provides support, so clients can make informed and constructive decisions.  Rina recognises that each person’s and each family’s journey is different, as are their needs and expectations.

If court proceedings are necessary, Rina is familiar with the technicalities and complexities of litigation.  Always keeping in mind the option of resolving matters ‘out of court’, Rina will advise and navigate her clients through the process; arguing her client’s position to the fullest, whilst using her best endeavours to make the process less daunting for them.

Rina has a good working relationship with her clients, which is built on transparency and trust.

Rina went to university and quailed as a solicitor in Birmingham, before moving to London in 2006, when she joined Karina Leapman & Co.

Professional Membership

Law Society of England and Wales
Member of Resolution
Committee member for West London Law Society


Law Degree LLB
MA in Legal Practice

How I work:

“I work with my clients.  Listening is key to identifying the issues, understanding the client, what they want to achieve and why.  I advise on the law, processes, approaches and costs, and together we explore and discuss options, practicalities, whether and how expectations can be met, weighing up pros and cons.”

Recent Experience


Acted in a case where the wife had issued divorce proceedings in England.  The parties had connections to England but resided in another jurisdiction.  It was better for the client that divorce proceedings be issued in this other jurisdiction, and successfully negotiated that the wife should withdraw her proceedings.    The satisfying aspect of this story was that the parties reconciled once proceedings were withdrawn.  A happy ending.

Financial Agreement

Despite proceedings being issued, negotiated terms of settlement relating to the matrimonial finances outside court.  Agreement was reached on terms proposed and acceptable to the client.  The ongoing uncertainty of litigation was removed, and the client was able to limit costs.

Child Arrangements

Due to a history of coercive, controlling and abusive behaviour, the other parent was a risk to the child of the family and the client.  Prepared the case for final hearing, when an order was made limiting arrangements to indirect contact only.  The courts are hesitant to limit a parent’s involvement in their child’s life and contact is rarely limited to indirect only. The child of the family and the other parent are able to retain a relationship with each other within protective parameters.

Children matter with an international element

Acting for the client in children proceedings, when the other parent’s High Court application to retain the children of the family in England, as well as seek other orders, was dismissed.  The parents were previously married and had been through a difficult divorce.  The client and the children lived overseas but had connections to England. There had already been proceedings relating to the parties’ divorce and their children in the country the client lived. The client and the children were on holiday in England when the other parent served proceedings.  This matter was complex and technical and required urgent attention.

Occupation of Family Home

Following the breakdown of their relationship, both parties in this case wanted sole occupation of the family home.  The other party issued court proceedings.  Notwithstanding this, successfully negotiating an agreement for the parties to jointly occupy the family home with regulated use of communal areas.  The proceedings were withdrawn, which reduced acrimony and saved the client costs.