Wills Pricing

Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney 

Below we provide you with information on our Legal fees. We intend to be as transparent and flexible with our fees as possible leaving you in control to decide on what basis you would like to instruct us. VAT, currently 20%, will be payable on all our fees.  


Our fixed fee charge for a single standard Will is £500.00 plus VAT (£600.00 inclusive of VAT). Our fixed fee charge for standard Mirror* Wills is £900.00 plus VAT (£1080.00 inc. VAT). 

Our fixed fee charge for a single standard Codicil is £300.00 plus VAT (£360.00 inclusive of VAT). Our fixed fee charge for standard Mirror* Codicils is £500 plus VAT (£600.00 inc. VAT). 

Our fixed fee charge for a Discretionary Trust Will or Lifetime Trust Will is £1100 plus VAT (£1320 inclusive of VAT).Our fixed fee charge for standard Mirror* Discretionary Trust Will or Lifetime Trust Will is £2,000 plus VAT (£2,400.00 inc. VAT). 

This would include: 

An initial meeting with you, drafting the document, then organising execution of the Will and thereafter storing your Will. 

* Mirror Wills/Codicils are usually those done for spouses or partners, when Will instructions are reciprocal and largely identical. 

Lasting Powers of Attorney 

We offer a fixed fee service for advising and preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney and registering them with the Office of the Public Guardian on your behalf. Our fixed fee charges are set out below and include: 

  • A meeting with you to ensure you have mental capacity, to take instructions and discuss requirements and any preferences and instructions. 
  • Preparing forms for your signature. 
  • Acting as your certificate provider where required (unless we are appointed as attorneys). 
  • Acting as your witness (unless we are appointed as attorneys). 
  • Arranging the signature of your attorneys. 
  • Checking all forms and registering at the Office of the Public Guardian. 
  • Storing registered LPAs for you if so required. 
  • Certifying 1 copy of the LPAs for you. 

For an Individual 

Single Lasting Power of Attorney (Financial Decisions or Health and Care Decisions) – £550 plus VAT (£660.00 inc. VAT). 

Two Lasting Powers of Attorney (Financial Decisions and Health and Care Decisions) – £825 plus VAT (£990.00 inc. VAT). 

For a Couple 

Two Lasting Powers of Attorney (Financial Decisions or Health and Care Decisions) – £825 plus VAT (£990.00 inc. VAT). 

Four Lasting Powers of Attorney (Financial Decisions and Health and Care Decisions) – £1,300 plus VAT (£1,560.00 inc. VAT).  

Please note that in addition to our fees above you will also be required to pay a registration fee of £82 per Lasting Power of Attorney to the Office of the Public Guardian. Some clients may be eligible for a fee remission or fee exemption of the Office of the Public Guardian registration fee. Your lawyer will be able to discuss this with you in further detail to advise whether you are eligible.